Linggo, Setyembre 21, 2014

Alzheimer’s Disease Communication Device

Tool to Help People with AD Do Their Daily Activities

As we mention from our previous blog (10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease), one of the early signs of A.D is having a hard time to focus, thus they forget what they suppose to do at the moment. They also lose track of date and time. It is helpful at the early stage to have communication device to help them remember a simple task.

One of the major problems of people living with Dementia or Alzheimer’s facing is undernourishment. They are undernourished because they skipped meals. They skipped meals not because they don’t want to eat but because they forget their mealtime. Not eating at the right time causes more problems and it makes the brain functions even poorly. Nourishment is very important and so eating at the right time.

You will also notice that they forget their proper hygiene. They don’t take a bath, brush their teeth and dress up. They forget that these things are necessary and should be done daily. A reminder will be helpful. It will serve as a spark of light in the darkness.

Another thing is that you should also remind them about the time of sleep. They need sleep to slow the disease. They need to be healthy as much as possible.

There are people in the early stage who lives alone and who can still manage to do their routine work. The only problem is they forgot so a communication device will be a lot of help.

One of Relink feature is “Routine Reminder”. See picture below.

Most likely it will be look like that. Relink is still under completion so expect some change. It might change base on the feedback we get. Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get the latest updates.

Routine helps people with A.D to cope with daily tasks like eating, bathing and other activities through a gentle reminder. Pictures and words are enough to help them remember.

To begin with, we would have:
- to eat
- to bath, dress up
- to sleep

Whatever you want us to add and whatever you find useful just say it. It will be a great help for the team to make it perfect. Feel free to leave us a comment below.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

Linggo, Setyembre 7, 2014

The Importance of Alzheimer’s Disease Early Diagnosis

Alzheimer’s Disease Early Diagnosis

Alzheimer’s Disease as we all know has no cure so why it important to be diagnosed early? It is essential to know as early as possible if you have or your love ones have this disease because it will help them to prepare early.

Alzheimer’s Disease is a horrible disease and it is hard to know that you has it. However, we need to be brave to face the truth and we should learn how to deal with difficult things in our life. It is difficult not only for the person who will suffer it but also for the family members who will going to endure it.

Preparation is the key to live a comfortable and harmonious life. If you have this disease you know that you or your love ones will become forgetful or will totally forget everything. What are the things you should settle before your memory totally gone out? This is the first thing that you should ask yourself from the moment that you find out.

Read “Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease or Simple Forgetfulness?” to know if it is time to see your doctor.

I have also written the 10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease to help you better. If you have notice unusual behavior then don’t wait before it is too late to see a doctor or bring your love one to the specialist especially if this disease runs in the family.

Benefits of Early Diagnosis
1.   You can have early treatment. As mentioned above there is no cure yet. However, there are medications that can help slow it down and can help with dealing with the symptoms such as depression and nutritional deficiencies.

2. You can prepare tools and aids that you can use to live independently or your love ones to live independently. Relink device can help you out with this matter because oftentimes person with Alzheimer’s Disease forget to take medication or forgot if it was taken already. You can set Relink to remind the person if it is time to take the medicine. Prescribed medicine that hasn't taken in the right manner will not work and it might worsen the health condition of the person. Relink will not only help reminding about taking the medicine but it also helps this individual remember important events.

3.   Preparing finances as early as possible is equally important because this disease is quite expensive. As early as today you have to decide where to get financial help or how to use retirement plan or savings wisely.

Preparation and acceptance is the key. You will surely have enough to deal with in the future. Do what you can do today to lessen the burden to you and to your family. Detecting the disease early will surely keep you out of trouble and will not take anyone in surprise and caught unprepared.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area.