Linggo, Oktubre 12, 2014


Looking after Someone with Alzheimer’s at Home

Being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s is not an easy task, there is no school for this. You just have to face it when you have to and it is either your choice or you have no choice.

Caregiving is a noble act especially if you are not being paid to do this. You need to attend to the person who has this 24/7. Sometimes, the burden is unbearable even if you love the person very much. It seems that this disease imprisoned both the caregiver and the person who has it.

The caregiver can’t do the usual things. Schedules, commitments and other routine activities should be adjusted. As a caregiver, it is your duty to keep the one your caring for safe. You know that a simple forgetfulness can lead to something serious like burning the house if the person who has this disease forgets about the cooking. You should also look after the medication because forgetting it might worsen the disease.

Aside from your burden of your duties and responsibilities there is also an emotional torture that you are enduring everyday seeing your love ones losing every single memory. Sending them in institution can be expensive and you can’t be sure if they are safe there so the safest thing to do is to have them where you can see them. Aside from expenses and safety issue, it is hard to let them on their own in times they needed you the most.

With all this concern, we are giving away FREE-EBOOK: 20 TIPS FOR CAREGIVERS to all of our supporters and caregivers. You can download this for a limited time only at our Facebook account. Here’s what you should do qualify for it.

  1. Go to our page
  2. Hit like and
  3.  Download it

These are the three easy steps to have it. All we are asking in return are your reviews which you can write at Amazon.

Your reviews, feedback and suggestions are our guide and motivation to do better and to keep going.

 Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

Linggo, Oktubre 5, 2014

Caregivers Weekly Newsletter

We are releasing weekly newsletter for caregivers to help them understand Alzheimer's and Dementia Disease. This newsletter also aims to help them cope up with the situation through tips and inspiration.

 Caregiver's Weekly Newsletter

Caregivers Weekly Newsletter contains the following:

We bring you the latest news in Alzheimer's, Dementia and other related disease. We bring you new discoveries found out by the researchers and how this discoveries affect the disease. We are hoping for cure so stay tuned for the latest news and maybe one day a cure will be discovered. We promise to let you know.

Tips and advise coming from the expert and the people who are experiencing the same will be delivered to you!

We will bring you interesting blogs written by the person who are suffering the disease or their caregivers. Read their journey and you will realize that you are not alone.

We will give you the best articles written in the web. We will pick not only the interesting articles but most importantly we will give you the most useful one.

Weekly, you will receive one story from the person who has the disease. It will serve as an inspiration to all.

Our first and second newsletter already came out! Be part of the third issue. Subscribe here.

Your suggestions, comments and feedback will be greatly appreciated. Write it below!

Thank you!