Linggo, Agosto 31, 2014

People with Alzheimer’s Disease Unusual Behavior

People with AD Got Obsessed with Time

People who have Alzheimer ’s disease usually lose track of time and with that, most of them become too obsessed with the time that they keep on asking what time is it or they usually go and check the clock. This is one of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Sometimes, they become too irritated because they are thinking about something they forget to do. They are angry of themselves why they forget the time and it makes them harder to deal with.

We must understand that these people are going through a phase of their life where they no longer understand themselves and they become frustrated and disappointed. They become disoriented and they don’t know what to do. There are times when they remember something that needs to be done and with that they keep on checking the clock.

There are also some scenarios when they can no longer tell if it is night time or daylight. They can be very active at night thinking that it is morning and they have to do their chores. You need to remind them all the time that it isn't and as a result you become restless and frustrated as well.

Hiding the clock from them wouldn't stop them from bothering you. It is better to have a clock in the place where they can always see it. It should be visible so they can easily notice it. The clock should also be large and clear so they can read the time.

One of Relink Device best feature is it helps them to be time aware. There is a voice prompt that will tell them the current time and the day. Relink Device is still in progress and evolves overtime with consideration to all the feedback and comment received from the people who are taking care of their love ones who have the disease.

Now, Relink Device has a clock in digital and analogue form so you can have choices. This device also indicates the current day and date. Upon looking at the clock, they will become aware of the time, day and calendar date. It will help them to think clearly and to think the best activity for the day. It also helps them to know what to expect and it will avoid some confusion on them.

This is also helpful especially if there is a holiday like Christmas season. They will not get confused by the people who come and go and with all the songs and the décor. By just looking at their clock they know what is happening and why it is happening.

As mentioned, people with Alzheimer’s can’t tell if it is daylight or night time so they usually get up at night and start their day. With this, Relink adds night and day indicator at the right side of the clock so the next time they wake up in the middle of the night and check their clock, they will be aware that it is still bedtime and so they will go back to sleep.

Getting obsessed with time is only one of their unusual behaviors so get the best tool you can have to resolve the issue and you can both move forward.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

Linggo, Agosto 24, 2014

Alzheimer’s Disease 10 Symptoms

10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is not just about memory loss. This is more than that. There are other symptoms that will tell you that a certain individual has this disease. Here are the 10 early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Memory Loss
How to distinguish a simple forgetfulness over Alzheimer’s is when you forget things but you will remember afterwards while the person with AD loss the ability to remember things and they rely on people to tell them things or they use some memory aids to help them remember. They can even forget their new acquired information and they usually ask you the same things repeatedly as if you haven’t told them.

Hard to Focus
They find it hard to do a simple math and to follow a simple plan. They have trouble of keeping track of their monthly bills and may do things longer than usual.

Can’t Complete Familiar Task
These tasks are the tasks they do every day that becomes hard and they may not be able to finish. Like driving to work or any job related things that they do every day and the simple game they usually play.
Confuse with Date, Time and Place
They got confuse on whether it is night or day and they can’t understand what’s happening and what the occasion is. Sometimes, they go to a place and forgot how they get there and they don’t know how to go home.

Problem with Images and Distance
They have trouble identifying the color and they find it hard to read as well. They also have problem with calculation of the distance that causes problem when driving.

Words Problem
A person with Alzheimer’s disease finds it hard to think of the right term and they sometimes speak terms that doesn’t have sense. They also have difficulty in writing because they can’t recall the right spelling of some words.

Misplacing Objects
They forgot where they put their things and they find it hard to retrace their steps. Sometimes they accuse other people of stealing it. There are also times that they place things in the place where it shouldn’t be like cellphone inside refrigerator.

Poor Judgment
They can’t make right decisions. They may pay large amount of money on a cheap things and they are no longer paying attention with their proper hygiene.

Withdrawing Themselves
People with Alzheimer’s tend to remove themselves from their usual social activities and work. They avoid the public, their friends and people they know because of some changes that are happening to them.

Mood Swings
It is typical for person with Alzheimer’s to easily get irritated, anxious, fearful, depressed, confused and suspicious, especially when you take them away of their comfort zone.

These are the top 10 signs that the person has Alzheimer’s Disease. If one of these signs show up, you better have your love ones check so that you will know the necessary actions that should be done.  Research is still on-going on how to cure this disease but for now there are ways on how to cope up with these situations. 

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

Sabado, Agosto 16, 2014

Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease or Simple Forgetfulness?

How to Distinguish Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Being forgetful is not a joke. It can ruin an event of your life or it can break someone’s heart. When you forget something, it causes you so much trouble and you find it hard to forgive yourself. You even call yourself stupid. There are times that you forget where you put the keys and you have turned your house upside down just to find it. There is also some moment when you forgot your wedding anniversary. Your partner will easily conclude that you don’t care anymore when you just “forget it” but that reason would never be acceptable to your partner and it oftentimes labeled as a “lame excuse”.

How do you know if it is already as serious as early onset Alzheimer’s disease? When to panic and not to panic? I say don’t panic at all because panicking gives you more stress and makes you more forgetful. Learn to calm to yourself and think clearly. Don’t freak out at any given situation.
Here are the signs of early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

  •  Forgetting important dates
  •  Forgetting friend’s name
  • Asking the same question over and over again
  • Losing track of date and time of the year
  • Difficulty in trying to join a conversation
  • Misplacing things
  • Poor judgment
  • Changes in mood and personality

If you are a forgetful person, you might have experience all these but the difference is that when you are not like this before. If you are the type of person who is sharp and quick then suddenly you become slow then there is a chance that you are having the disease, especially if there is somebody in your family who has the same disease. I suggest that you better go and see a doctor especially if the other symptoms like these occur.

  • ·         Severe behavior changes and mood swings
  • ·         Going in places and forget why you are there
  • ·         Getting lost and forget how to go home
  • ·         Getting suspicious

If you are the type of person who easily forgets things, I suggest you take a vacation or lessen your stress. You can change your environment and try to write down everything so you won’t forget it. See how it goes. If things get better then you are just forgetful and there is something you can do about it.

On the other hand, if your memory worsens it might be early onset Alzheimer’s disease and it has no cure but seeing it early can help you and your family members prepare. Doctors can help you stabilize mental function and control behavior. They can also help you slow the progression of the disease.

You can also use method to help you remember things. You know better not to go out alone. You can do things to exercise your mind, do healthy activities and eat healthy foods. Though it is hard, acceptance is the key to easily cope up. Manage your stress, prepare everything you need and be at peace.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

Biyernes, Agosto 8, 2014

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Prevention Tip: Stress Management

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Prevention Tip: Stress Management

How to Manage Stress?
Stress is the common word that we now hear for most of people. Especially to those people who are tired working day and night. Way back 30 years ago, no one is using the word “stress” but because we are living in a fast-pace world, we are having a hard time coping with the changes.
Mild stress can be useful at times like when you are in danger and your body feels the stress of needing to survive and pushing you to do something, you tend to act quickly and survive. However, if you are always stressed-out because of work, deadlines and many other things, it can hamper your brain. Chronic stress takes a substantial toll on our brain that will lead to memory shrinkage. When it happens every day, the risk of having AD and Dementia is high.
For people who already have dementia, you will notice that they are easily got irritated and get confuse which leads them to do something beyond control. It is like there are so many things that are getting into their head and they don’t know what to do. They become clumsy and helpless.
For caregivers, it is important that they are calm as well, because their patient can feel the stress they have and it can be able to transfer to them. Since you are in the right state of mind, it is a must that you calm yourself first because when people with Alzheimer’s start to panic, it is harder to calm them.

Stress Management is the key to Fight Alzheimer’s and Dementia
For people who are still in a healthy state of mind but always stressed these are the some of the techniques that you can do to manage stress.
1.  Breathe – Inhale and exhale. When you are stressed, you tend to breathe faster than the usual. Breathing fast has an impact to the oxygen of your brain. Bring back your normal breathing by doing a deep and abdominal breathing. Doing this exercise is very effective and doesn’t require anything to do. It is very simple and free.
2.  Make Time for Relaxation Activities – You can schedule it every morning or every night or every weekend. Do some activities that don’t require you to think hard. Walking in the park is one great activity to relax you or you can enroll in yoga class.
3.  Meditate – You can do this before you sleep and when you wake up. Practice inner peace through meditation, reflection and prayer.

Now that you can calm yourself, you can take care of your love ones with Dementia; you must see to it that your patient knows that he/she is not forgotten. Let your love one feels the love in you. Alzheimer ’s diseasecure is care, remember that.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

Sabado, Agosto 2, 2014

Alzheimer’s Disease Cure is Care

Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease with no cure and it is more likely to happen to people who have relatives who have history of Alzheimer. This disease usually occurs at old age. It is heartbreaking to the family members but they should be prepared beforehand. Preparation can help them cope up easily and can help the patient to live well.

Do not stress yourself on looking out for cure because you will just get frustrated instead look for ways on how to make things light. Look for tools and people that can help you to lighten up your load. You can’t cure them but you can show you care.

If your parents or one of them was stricken by this sickness seek help and have a meeting with your family members. Tell them about the situation and plan what you are going to do. If possible let the patient stay in your house so you can take care of him/her.

In the morning, you can take your love one to a walk. Walking can help the patient improve health, psychologically and physically. Don’t think of this as a duty, think of this as something you need to do for yourself as well. If walking can calm people with Alzheimer’s disease, it can calm your spirit as well.

Do not look at them with fear and loneliness because people with Alzheimer as their thinking and mental condition decline, their emotional contagion increases. They can copy what you feel so you should show them a happy face every time you look at them. You should also treat them with calmness so their feelings will be calm as well.

If you are working and can’t be with your love one, you can arrange a schedule with some of your family members so there is someone to look after him/her. It is not advisable to leave the patient alone since they have trouble in deciding what to do each day. It will cost you a lot of trouble. You might find your house burning if the patient decided to cook and forget all about it. Your patient might go for a walk and forgot how to go home and some other unpleasant scenarios. See to it that there is someone who is looking after him/her. If no one is available, you can hire someone but be sure that this someone cares for people like this. You can also put CCTV at every corner of your house so you can monitor them and you can be sure that your love one is taking care of and not mistreated.

Their time is short, show them you care even when you are not around by providing everything they need. Make sure that the patient is comfortable and happy because when they are lonely, their condition worsens. Help People withAlzheimer Fight Loneliness and show them you care.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area.