Linggo, Agosto 31, 2014

People with Alzheimer’s Disease Unusual Behavior

People with AD Got Obsessed with Time

People who have Alzheimer ’s disease usually lose track of time and with that, most of them become too obsessed with the time that they keep on asking what time is it or they usually go and check the clock. This is one of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Sometimes, they become too irritated because they are thinking about something they forget to do. They are angry of themselves why they forget the time and it makes them harder to deal with.

We must understand that these people are going through a phase of their life where they no longer understand themselves and they become frustrated and disappointed. They become disoriented and they don’t know what to do. There are times when they remember something that needs to be done and with that they keep on checking the clock.

There are also some scenarios when they can no longer tell if it is night time or daylight. They can be very active at night thinking that it is morning and they have to do their chores. You need to remind them all the time that it isn't and as a result you become restless and frustrated as well.

Hiding the clock from them wouldn't stop them from bothering you. It is better to have a clock in the place where they can always see it. It should be visible so they can easily notice it. The clock should also be large and clear so they can read the time.

One of Relink Device best feature is it helps them to be time aware. There is a voice prompt that will tell them the current time and the day. Relink Device is still in progress and evolves overtime with consideration to all the feedback and comment received from the people who are taking care of their love ones who have the disease.

Now, Relink Device has a clock in digital and analogue form so you can have choices. This device also indicates the current day and date. Upon looking at the clock, they will become aware of the time, day and calendar date. It will help them to think clearly and to think the best activity for the day. It also helps them to know what to expect and it will avoid some confusion on them.

This is also helpful especially if there is a holiday like Christmas season. They will not get confused by the people who come and go and with all the songs and the décor. By just looking at their clock they know what is happening and why it is happening.

As mentioned, people with Alzheimer’s can’t tell if it is daylight or night time so they usually get up at night and start their day. With this, Relink adds night and day indicator at the right side of the clock so the next time they wake up in the middle of the night and check their clock, they will be aware that it is still bedtime and so they will go back to sleep.

Getting obsessed with time is only one of their unusual behaviors so get the best tool you can have to resolve the issue and you can both move forward.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

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