Linggo, Agosto 24, 2014

Alzheimer’s Disease 10 Symptoms

10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is not just about memory loss. This is more than that. There are other symptoms that will tell you that a certain individual has this disease. Here are the 10 early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Memory Loss
How to distinguish a simple forgetfulness over Alzheimer’s is when you forget things but you will remember afterwards while the person with AD loss the ability to remember things and they rely on people to tell them things or they use some memory aids to help them remember. They can even forget their new acquired information and they usually ask you the same things repeatedly as if you haven’t told them.

Hard to Focus
They find it hard to do a simple math and to follow a simple plan. They have trouble of keeping track of their monthly bills and may do things longer than usual.

Can’t Complete Familiar Task
These tasks are the tasks they do every day that becomes hard and they may not be able to finish. Like driving to work or any job related things that they do every day and the simple game they usually play.
Confuse with Date, Time and Place
They got confuse on whether it is night or day and they can’t understand what’s happening and what the occasion is. Sometimes, they go to a place and forgot how they get there and they don’t know how to go home.

Problem with Images and Distance
They have trouble identifying the color and they find it hard to read as well. They also have problem with calculation of the distance that causes problem when driving.

Words Problem
A person with Alzheimer’s disease finds it hard to think of the right term and they sometimes speak terms that doesn’t have sense. They also have difficulty in writing because they can’t recall the right spelling of some words.

Misplacing Objects
They forgot where they put their things and they find it hard to retrace their steps. Sometimes they accuse other people of stealing it. There are also times that they place things in the place where it shouldn’t be like cellphone inside refrigerator.

Poor Judgment
They can’t make right decisions. They may pay large amount of money on a cheap things and they are no longer paying attention with their proper hygiene.

Withdrawing Themselves
People with Alzheimer’s tend to remove themselves from their usual social activities and work. They avoid the public, their friends and people they know because of some changes that are happening to them.

Mood Swings
It is typical for person with Alzheimer’s to easily get irritated, anxious, fearful, depressed, confused and suspicious, especially when you take them away of their comfort zone.

These are the top 10 signs that the person has Alzheimer’s Disease. If one of these signs show up, you better have your love ones check so that you will know the necessary actions that should be done.  Research is still on-going on how to cure this disease but for now there are ways on how to cope up with these situations. 

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

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