Sabado, Agosto 16, 2014

Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease or Simple Forgetfulness?

How to Distinguish Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Being forgetful is not a joke. It can ruin an event of your life or it can break someone’s heart. When you forget something, it causes you so much trouble and you find it hard to forgive yourself. You even call yourself stupid. There are times that you forget where you put the keys and you have turned your house upside down just to find it. There is also some moment when you forgot your wedding anniversary. Your partner will easily conclude that you don’t care anymore when you just “forget it” but that reason would never be acceptable to your partner and it oftentimes labeled as a “lame excuse”.

How do you know if it is already as serious as early onset Alzheimer’s disease? When to panic and not to panic? I say don’t panic at all because panicking gives you more stress and makes you more forgetful. Learn to calm to yourself and think clearly. Don’t freak out at any given situation.
Here are the signs of early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

  •  Forgetting important dates
  •  Forgetting friend’s name
  • Asking the same question over and over again
  • Losing track of date and time of the year
  • Difficulty in trying to join a conversation
  • Misplacing things
  • Poor judgment
  • Changes in mood and personality

If you are a forgetful person, you might have experience all these but the difference is that when you are not like this before. If you are the type of person who is sharp and quick then suddenly you become slow then there is a chance that you are having the disease, especially if there is somebody in your family who has the same disease. I suggest that you better go and see a doctor especially if the other symptoms like these occur.

  • ·         Severe behavior changes and mood swings
  • ·         Going in places and forget why you are there
  • ·         Getting lost and forget how to go home
  • ·         Getting suspicious

If you are the type of person who easily forgets things, I suggest you take a vacation or lessen your stress. You can change your environment and try to write down everything so you won’t forget it. See how it goes. If things get better then you are just forgetful and there is something you can do about it.

On the other hand, if your memory worsens it might be early onset Alzheimer’s disease and it has no cure but seeing it early can help you and your family members prepare. Doctors can help you stabilize mental function and control behavior. They can also help you slow the progression of the disease.

You can also use method to help you remember things. You know better not to go out alone. You can do things to exercise your mind, do healthy activities and eat healthy foods. Though it is hard, acceptance is the key to easily cope up. Manage your stress, prepare everything you need and be at peace.

Relink Device helps people with Alzheimer’s disease fight loneliness and secure that the family member’s presence is felt even when they are not in the area. 

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